CottonHost WebService

The CottonHost WebService is used to access our CottonHost service.  The WebService resides behind the webserver which uses 128-bit encryption (https) for all requests and responses.

Methods which access sensitive data require authentication by the same Producer ID and Password which are used to access the CottonHost service directly.

Below is a listing of each method available from the CottonHost WebService, along with brief explanations:

Method GetLoadListingXML

Returns a list of loads (modules) that belong to the requesting producer.

The return string is in XML format using the CottonHostLoadQuery XML schema.

Method GetBaleListingXML

Returns a list of bales that belong to the requesting producer.  If a load number of 0 (zero) is specified, then all bales which belong to that producer are included.  If a single load number is specified, only the bales that were ginned from that load will be included.  Note that the load number is assigned by the gin, and may or may not match the "module ID" that was tagged onto the module by the producer, depending on the way that the gin assigns load numbers.

The return string is in XML format using the CottonHostBaleQuery XML schema.

Method GetFarmListingXML

Returns a list of farm records that belong to the requesting producer.

The return string is in XML format using the CottonHostFarmQuery XML schema.


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